Applied Mechatronics
Module 5 - Electrical Engineering
Teaching Concepts (German): document
Skill Card (German): document
Schedule: document
- Alternating Current
- Generation and Characteristics: script worksheet
- Active, Reactive and Apparent Power: script
- Three-Phase Current (optional): script
- Simulation and Hands-On Exercise (optional): assignment
- Electrical Drives (by SCHT):
- Operational Amplifiers
- Scheme Outlines: script
- Dimensioning (optional): script worksheet
- Simulation (optional): assignment
Module 6 - Automation Engineering
Teaching Concepts (German): document
Skill Card (German): document
Schedule: document
- Pneumatic Systems (by SCHT):
- Basics script worksheet
- Components script1 script2 worksheet
- Circuit Design script worksheet1 worksheet2
- Electro-Pneumatics (optional): script worksheet
- Simulation (optional): assignment (to be ask for)
- Sensors and Measurement Systems